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Miroslav Ilic 2014 Album

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Miroslav ilic 2014 album download

Miroslav Ilic Koncert

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Miroslav ilic 2014 album cover

Press conference in, Romania, March 2012During the late 1980s and early 1990s, ethnic tensions which started rising in Yugoslavia and eventually led to country's, made Lepa Brena become one of main tabloid targets at the time. Some Bosniaks viewed her as a traitor as she was a Bosniak who sang and spoke with an accent (which is predominantly spoken in ) and she married a Serbian,.

Several tabloids claimed that she had converted from to and that she had changed her name from Fahreta to Jelena. She intensely denied these allegations.

In socialist Yugoslavia religions in general were an unpopular topic, and people acknowledged the religion to which belonged in relation to its family roots, but were overwhelmingly non-practitioners. In that sense, being a Yugoslav icon, Lepa Brena has never publicly spoken about her religious beliefs, neither was seen or gave any indications of practicing any religion; all that is known is that she was raised as a.In 2009, numerous and protested when her concerts in, on May 30, and in, on June 13, were announced. The reason behind the protests were pictures allegedly shot in 1993 during the in which she appears wearing the uniform of the in the besieged town of, where she grew-up. In the pictures, taken and published by one Serbian magazine, she appears giving support to Bosnian Serb soldiers, which were at that time involved in intense fighting against Croatian and Bosniak forces in Posavina front. This is why Croatian and Bosnian protesters were angered calling her a 'traitor' and četnikuša (feminine version of, used derrogativelly in Croatia for labeling Serbs or pro-Serbian people). The concerts went ahead as scheduled with no incidents and she claimed the uniform was from the set of a 1990 music video for her song ', in which she wore a similar uniform while filming at a zoo in for the movie,. However, when compared side by side, the uniforms are different.


Brena also claimed she was only in Brčko in 1993 to rescue her parents. Discography Studio albums.